Award & Reward - Hari Raya Celebration 2007 by Sumantri. This 2007 Hari Raya Celebration or Ed Mubarak is a special, again alhamdulillah me and my wife able to be in Indonesia celebrate together with my mom to celebrate the hari Raya this become 2nd times for us to celebrate this Hari Raya. As early at 5.30 my umi ( mom ) went to masjid dian almahri one of the luxury mosque in Indonesia. The purpose of she went early to reserve the space and due to of we using motorbike as a trasportation. Only then at around 6 am, me, my wife and my brother Jamal join with my umi at the mosque. This wonderful and beautiful mosque paxs with jamaah, alhamdulillah with help from umi we were able to have suitable space inside. See and look the few from inside.
After completed performed sholat Ed we all having a special Hari raya menu which is ketupat, daging semur and sayur godok, In this mosque complex also available a hall for all jamaah to rest. Selamat Hari Raya!!