Brunei Darussalam 9 July 2010.If you not a Professional Photographer or according to the followings, a Professional Photographer means :
Person who
1. Engaged in photography for money, esp. as a means of livelihood, rather than as a hobby.
2. Earning one's living from an activity, such as event photographer, website, bloger, reporter etc from photography
3. Person who graduate school, offering instruction in a profession
But if you Enthusiastic, passion and hobby with Photography and holding Brunei ic, Join the very first time AMATUER PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION 2010 @ The Empire and this is exclusively open for the first 64 participants and win amazing prizes worth over $10,000. Individuals require register to participate with administration fee of $15 at the Business Centre, level 5, Main Lobby Atrium before 15 July 2010, photograph submission deadline will be on 27 July 2010, means you can enjoy taking a picture at The Empire hotel & Country Club from 15 July to 27 July 2010.This competition is exclusively sponsored by Canon.
The theme of the competition is “Experience the magic” there are three categories of photograph require namely: People, exterior and interior but not inside the guestroom and back of the house of the hotel. Picture must be taken within The Empire Hotel & Country Club from 14 – 27 July 2010 without disturbing hotel’s guest. Picture must be spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment and natural you own flash light is ok but not additional massive lighting.
On photographs submission require 3 photographs, one from each category with full border in 8R sizes, minimum 30 word but not more than 50 for your title and description of your photographs. Photographs must be submitted in jpeg not less than 300dpi without editing and cropping in soft copy of cd or dvd do not forget to mark your detail and category
Well …the title of competition may use word amateur by the organizing committee is a very professional. Action now before is too late call 241 8888
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