Saturday, November 06, 2010

I won 3rd Place The Empire Photography Contest 2010 by Sumantri

I won 3rd Place The Empire Photography Contest 2010 by Sumantri

Thursday 28 October 2010 – The presentation held during The Empire Hotel and Country Club held its 3rd Quarter, Employee Recognition gathering this event was also to reward and recognize employees and managers who actively contributed to the organization, through their good work performance, positive attitude, and involvement in hotel employee activities the past 3 months.
The photography contest, held in conjunction with the Hotel’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations, carried the theme “Energy” and received 28 creative entries.  I won the 3rd Place, title “Good to Great”  was picture orange team moving forward through staircase and the winning entry, “100% Satisfaction” was a picture of a housekeeping colleague handling the laundry with a cheerful disposition, taken by Dini G. Sumantri by colleague from Sales Department and 2nd place goes to Chua kangOng from purchasing.

Now I have an organization appreciate my work  as photograph enthusiasm

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