Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sumantri-Travel Experience article - Jakarta Indonesia

Jakarta Indonesia
By : Sumantri

Metropolitan City, that's the title of this my home town with population of 11 million people during the day of working hour and 9 million people during night this due to the 3 million people from neighboring city come to Jakarta and back in the evening their come to work, to do a business and other things.

Is modern City, you will meet people from around the world, the city is so big will not enough to spend 3 or 4 days to explore, the city is super busy spare your additional time minimum 1 hour to allow you convenience before reaching one of your destination to other destination. The City is super complete in every thing from shopping to recreation, from religious to entertainment, from quite place to the superb crowded, from very cheap live to beyond luxulury, YOU name it YOU got it.

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