Ideation - Javanese Food Festival - Pre 4
Documents by Sumantri
Entertaiment programs
25th August – 3rd September 2006
25 / 08
- Big screen presentation Secret of Indonesia
- Jaipongan from West Java WELCOME dance
- Dance Soyong from Central Java
- Dance Sumiar from East Java
- Wood Carving
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
26 / 08
- Indonesian, the beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- NGAMEN – Indonesian musician street style
- Big screen presentation - Borobudur, the lost temple of Java
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
27 / 08
Indonesian, island of Java treasure hunt
- NGAMEN – Indonesian musician street style
- Big screen presentation – Wayang kulit
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
28 / 08
-Indonesian, the beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Gamelan Jawa by Pak Risam
- Big screen presentation - Borobudur, the lost temple of Java
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
-Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Javanese Traditional dance
- Big screen presentation Wayang kulit
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
-Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Big screen presentation - Borobudur, the lost temple of Java
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
-Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Big screen presentation – Wayang kulit
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
-Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Wood carving
- Big screen presentation - Borobudur, the lost temple of Java-
Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
-Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java treasure hunt
- Wood carving
- Big screen presentation – Wayang kulit
- Indonesian message demo
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
- Javanese traditional costumes parade
- Best dress Javanese costume
- Indonesian, The beautiful Island of Java language competition
- - Indonesian message demo
Closing ceremony marked by giving prizes and call all service associates and chefs to come to stages
7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
* Subject to change ( SE-jff)
Javanese Food Festival
Opening program
07.00 PM - arrival of invited guests
Indonesian tourism film presentation – On
Light – Deem light
Canapés – 3 finger food passing by the guests – Croket Belanda, Tahu brontak
And sate pentul decorate with mini Indonesian flag.
07.30 PM – Announcing the arrival of Guest of Honor his Excellency, Ambassador
Of Indonesian Republic of Indonesia, Bapak Herijanto
Indonesian tourism film presentation – Off
Screen change to “ Javanese Food Festival “ poster
Welcome by title of “Jaipongan “dance start when His Excellency enter the
Main lobby entrance
07.45 PM - Warm welcome by MC
Light bright – ON
Touch on the “Jaipongan “philosophy
Announce Speeches – begin with George on behalf of the hotel
Speech by His Excellency
08.15 PM – MC announce on Javanese Dance Performance touch a little bit on what kind of
Dance, 2 dances continuously
08.30 PM – To mark the opening his Excellency with George will cutting the giant nasi tumpeng
MC invite all the VIP to be at the back of Nasi tumpeng to witness the
Nasi Tumpeng ceremony
Group Photos – back ground the Gebyok
George accompany by Hostess lead all the VIP to VIP tables
Equipment reqires :
Sheraton podium
Screen, stage, sound system, CD/DVD players
Decoration requires :
Mini sesajen / colorful petal flower to include pandan leaf cut into small size for fragrant inside janur ( container made by coconut leaf )
Javanese Food Festival – Ngamen
“ Ngamen “ is an Indonesian singing street style where originally the singer will sing a song from table to table at warung makan or restaurant after singing and complete one song customer normally will give the singer money. we will transform this ideas into our Javanese Food Festival of course customer will not pay the singer. This“ Javanese folk song Ngamen “ style will require minimum 2 or thee Javanese people with minimum in traditional costume and will sing a song. Songs title will be from the island of Java from Jakarta, West Java, Central Java and East Java.
Instruments require : Guitar and Gendang ( Indonesian drum )
Song lists / Title :
Kincir – Kincir from Jakarta
Gundul-Gundul Pacul – Central Java
Manuk Dadali – West Java
Jali-Jali – from Jakarta
Gambang Suling – Central Java
Manuk Dadali – West Java
Keroncong Kemayoran – Jakarta
Suwe Ora Jamu – Centarl Java
Panon Hideung – West Java
Tokecang – West Java
Key Musician and Singers will be, Faisal, Dadan and assist with other Indonesian singers
Javanese Food Festival – Closing Ceremony
Javanese Traditional Costumes Parade
NGAMEN – Medley of Javanese Folk song
Best Dress / Best Costumes – Javanese Costume
Javanese language competition
Press release & Advertisement
New message on the poster – closing ceremony – content of: Best dress competition – to advise the guest to come with the Javanese costumes (from Jakarta, West, Central and East Java) and there will be Javanese language competition (language from Jakarta, West, Central and East Java)
Javanese Traditional Costume Parade and Javanese Folk Song Performance (ngamen)
Agenda of the night
06.30 PM - Javanese Buffet lines is open
07.00 PM – Guest arrive at Tasek Brasseries
Waiter/s/Hostess approach the guest while giving information to join Best Dress
Javanese Language Competition. There will be 2 small papers given to the guest
Which content 1 form of Best dress (name, telp number, e-mail address) 2nd simple
Javanese language dictionary (from Jakarta, West, central and East Java language)
Example: I want to eat ( abdi hoyong tuang – West Java). MC will ask on the stage
Participant answer the question without dictionary, he/her needs to remember.
While guest continue enjoy the food and start to decide to join
08.00 PM – Javanese Traditional Costumes Parade start – out / walk from poolside to
Tasek Brasseries – MC to lead the parade
Javanese Folk Song begin
Javanese Language competition start – MC to invite participants ( minimum 3
Participant )
MC start to ask the language 3 maximums from difference Java ( questions draw
From the kendi )
MC to announce the winner
Best Dress of Javanese Costume in action – require to walk at the stage accompany
Javanese gamelan / CD – Mc to lead
Announce the winner
Javanese Folk Song – MC joins and invites all service and chefs associates
MC to Thank you the participant
Enjoy the rest of the evening thank you
09.30 PM - Finish – program
Buffet as per normal
Prizes: Best dress (2) male and female, Java language competition (1)
Javanese Food Festival
List of loan items
Stall / kaki lima ( 4 from RIZQUN )
Pak Ismoyo
Gong & Wayang kulit
CDs ( Indonesian Tourist Destination etc )
Giant Indonesian flag & Merah Putih deco ( from RIZQUN )
Borobudur monument – No need
Ibu Nazirwan
3 antik batik & CDs dancing
Gamelan-kulintang – for solo gamelan
Photos Yogyakarta collection
Yogyakarta palace exhibition kits
Dr. Kartono
West Java umbrella
Pak Agus
Indonesian Map
Indonesian costumes – Jawa – for Sumantri
1 set
Handicraft Centre
Exhibition board
5 sets
Bulletin KBRI & WARITA