Ideation - I make the difference by Sumantri. Madinah Al Munawarah 23 May 2008. Sumantri " Qullu Yaumm Fee Hadiah! Said one of my co-worker in Arabic means I " every day got gifts!". Every little gifts I received from our in-house guest as in peanuts, an apple, a banana, just a piece of chocolate, candies or just a simple kiss of appreciation from my guest and they even look for me at the reception just to say salam which something that I felt so meaningful. Yes those every little gift was small but I accepted it as an appreciation and a thank you from my guests to me.The hotel is running 80 % occupied and about 500 pilgrims staying in the hotel for performance Umrah everyday. The Iranian group will fill out the hotel until Ramadhan. Pilgrims coming from different countries, ages, social level and knowledge but for me they are all my guests and nevertheless they are all the same to me whom I pay my full responsibility and attention to taking care of each and everyone of the pilgrims.Ms. Maryam Kordogli, one of the in-house. She was touched and appreciated when i took the initiative to clear the lift by stopping other guests to enter so that to allow Ms. Maryam and her mother with wheelchair the priority to use the elevator first. For me, my spontaneous action towards elderly is my priority something that we do in everyday life but to Ms. Maryam, This youngbwomen graduate from law university was very impressed with my attitude and my action. From then, she always stop at the reception desk to say Salam and suppringly she invited me to Teheran to visit them, InsyAllah. Then I said ' can I bring my wife? She remain smile while confirming to say ' Your wife!' then she say no problem while writing her addressMr. Sayid an 80 years old man. He came to the reception brought me his pair of broken frame spectacles. He asked me to help him to fix it. Without any hesitation even though I don't understand he was trying to tell me in Parsi, but I do understand his sign language so I just grabbed a small wire that nearest from where i stood and fix them for him. I thought he was not pleased with the result because the colour of his spectacle in black and the wire was in red! He looked on..then laughed and he gave me his kisses three time one at the left and two at the right. After that he always brought me fruits from his dinner. Whatever it is, I appreciate it very much.An other old man came to reception desk every sholat time too and he always ask what time is it, I took the initiative again to offered him assistance to changed his watch from Iran time to Madinah time, after then he always come to reception to bring me along with him praying at the Masjid.An older lady came to me at the reception desk asked to fix her wheelchair. Immediately, I intercom the maintenance to fixed it but for a while, this lady and the maintenance came back to me and said that the wheelchair cannot be repaired, it has to be changed with new ones’. So then I told her that she can use other wheelchair provided that to put it back after used at the lobby. She was very happy and pleased with this solution. From then she always drop me candies at the front desk.Mr. Moctar a retired Iran Arm Forces personal. Gives me doa all the time when I met him. His words of blessing to me “ May Allah gives you a very good career and happiness always be with you InsyAllah " he said. It all starts with just a piece of photocopy paper, Mr. Moctar now always remember me. Here how we met. One day he came to me asked for assistance if he could have the list of pilgrim names to be photocopied. So I just make the copy as requested and gave it to him and give him a generous smile. Mr. Moctar was was impressed. First of all, for Mr. Moctar, the important document that he requested to photocopy is needed urgently, so the moment when he requested and with the quick respond and action taken, that mean a lot to Mr. Moctar even thought it is just a piece of copy paper but it is valuable for him.Another special guest old man. He came to reception complaints that his wash basin was block and his air conditioning not functioning. He was talking in “Parsi language” which I do not understand. Then the Iranian committee member of his group explained to me very detail that what he saying are complaints. Without any hesitation, I quickly went to his room together with him. I have sense the problems. I feel like laughing to myself when think about it. Anyway, I kept quite all the way, when I come to see the problem in his room. With courtesy and politeness, I gently explained to him to open up the cover to drain water away from the wash basin otherwise the water remains there. I also explained to him that always insert his key card inside the electronic key card holder provided in order to keep the automatic electronic air-conditioning running inside the room, once the key card discharge from the holder, the air-conditioning will automatically shot down. Then he keeps laughing! Maybe he realized then after all is just that simple to solve the problems. Then he gives me a big kiss of Thank you. From then this special guest always stop by at reception desk just to Salam to me only and sometime he touch my face.Another special guest name Parsaneh Syede ,he own a carpet company in Iran I have done nothing that I think extra ordinary, but for this rich man, he could be too impressed of how I handle Iranians with a tiny little problem, he just like to observed me how I deal with all pilgrims from Iran. He said to me, “you are very good man InsyAllah you will come to Iran” .and so I said “Khudafest...khdafets mean Ma'a salamah or so long or see you again” to Mr. Seyede while shaking his hand and with all Iranian men pilgrims. May Iranian people be Blessed by Allah. Amien. There more nice story that i will keep for my self.