The Empire Hotel and Country Club held a prize presentation ceremony for the Amateur Photography competition to all the nine winners in each category - People, Interior and Exterior.
During the competition, over 125 photos were submitted by 60 participants.
The first prize winner in the People Category was Safuan Hj Abdul Majid. He won a Canon EOS 1000D SLR Camera, a gift voucher for two-night-three-day stay in Deluxe Room at The Empire Hotel and Country Club and a certificate.
Second place went to Rickster, who won a Canon Power Shot E1 Compact Camera, a one-night-two-day stay in Superior room and a certificate, followed by Hj Tejudin bin Hj Sulaiman, who came in third place and won a Canon IP2772 Printer, a dinner voucher at Pantai Restaurant and a certificate.
Meanwhile, in the Interior Category, the winner was Safuan Hj Abdul Majid, who won a Canon EOS 1000D SLR Camera, a gift voucher for two-night-three-day stay in Deluxe Room at The Empire Hotel and Country Club and a certificate.
Hj Ilham Rohaidi bin Hj Mashud won a Canon Power Shot E1 Compact Camera, a one-night-two-day stay in Superior Room and a certificate when he came in second place. Third place went to Hajah Hanisah binti Hj Muhammad, who won a Canon IP2772 Printer, a dinner voucher at Pantai Restaurant and a certificate.
In the Exterior Category, the first prize was grabbed by Rickster, who won a Canon EOS 1000D SLR Camera, a gift voucher for two-night-three-day stay in Deluxe Room at The Empire Hotel and Country Club and a certificate.
Meanwhile, Mohd Yussof Jabberi won a Canon Power Shot E1 Compact Camera, a one-night-two-day stay in Superior Room and a certificate, whilst Hj Mohd Hamdani bin Haji Abu Bakar won a Canon IP2772 Printer, a dinner voucher at Pantai Restaurant and a certificate, when they won second and third place respectively.
Caremony begins with photos slide presentation feautaring photos submittion and competition avtivities followed by General Manager speech and prize and certificate presentation to all sponsor, judges and winner.
This competition was opened to amateur photographers with the theme 'Experience The Magic' which is in line with the hotel's 10th anniversary. The competition was well received by the local residents. The hotel's management was amazed with the submitted photos and will keep and utilize the photos for any commercial purposes.
The Amateur Photography Competition was held from July 20 until August 6 and exclusively sponsored by Canon.