Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Deedat Wei Sheng E.Sumantri

Deedat Wei Sheng E.Sumantri

In this 3 month Deedat’s continues to soak up everything in his environment. His favorite activity is watching what goes on around him specially orchid painting ( painted by my wife ) and light, and he understands now that i will soothe, feed, and play with him when he needs you. He'll delight me with his first genuine smile so handsome. My baby enjoys the response he elicits with his grin and comes to understand that smiling is one way to let you know he's satisfied. By 3 months, he'll add some gurgling sounds to his smile, initiating a primitive form of conversation with you.
My junior’s goos and gurgles are probably going strong, but now he's also making consonant sounds, sputtering Ps and Bs and Ms and Ls, aghuhghuh…. I keep saying Assalamualikum to him
I Love you Junior!!!

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