Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sumantri -Building World Class Brand - The Gift of Opportunity

Building World Class Brand - The Gift of Opportunity by Sumantri.

Bandar Seribegawan 26 February 2007. The gift of opportunity module started from 26 February to 1 March 2007 the classes divided into two morning from 9 am to 12 noon and afternoon from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm. The objective of this module are at the end of the class participant are able to understand how emotional respone to a situation helps us determine the appropriate action. Differentiate between service netting and service recovery. Recognize guest triggers for dissatisfaction and proactively prevent them. Class stated with review from the previous module, gallery flip chart post on the wall and each participant write minimum 2 what their understand and been implemented in the their work.

Agenda of the day cover the following Emotional and the guest experience, Service Netting VS Service Recovery, Recognizing Opportunities,Proactive Prevention and Gift of time. Video also shown during this module to illustrate and give an idea more to participant to understand better. I manage to conducted this module all class from which total 8 classes with nearly 100 participant. Overall very very good comments still maintain and some positive feedback also wrote. Proud to be part of Building World Class Brand

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