Datin Hjh Zainah Bujang farewell caremony by Sumantri.
Bandar Seribegawan 8 June 2007. A surprised farewell ceremony was held on 8 June 2007 at Mutiara Ballroom, Sheraton Utama hotel, Brunei for our lovely General Manager, Datin Hjh Zainah Bujang. Hundred of Sheraton staff attended from rank and file to manager and Excom's level. Farewell caremony is highly supprised start from determine date to scenario how to invite GM come to the venue. Ceremony begin when Guan our reception manager disturb GM and his assistant GM when having a handover meeting informed both of them that there were heavy pipe leaking at The Mutiara Balroom, Guan then bring GM and George to Mutiara Ballroom.
At Mutiara Ballroom i was busy breif the staff, as early at 2.45 PM the staff from each department arrived at the Mutiara, i than brief them according to agenda. At 2.50 everybody ready lined up at entratnce of Mutiara.
At 3.00 PM our General Manager accompany with Guan and Guan step into Mutiara Ballroom " Big applause and shake the hand of the surprised begin. Caremony than continue with a sing a song " Yesterday " title by Beatles led by my self and Speeches, the agenda has to adjusted due to our General Manager in emotionally condition. Doris the represtative from EXCOM and Manager begin with her speech followed by representative from staff than only after that Datin give her speech. On her speech, datin say thank you to every one, its been a very difficult decision to leave the company, however i am still be around, you will be more often to see me at Cantik Spa she added.
Gift presentation time, another surprised also been given to Datin, George,Nova and Robert on behalf of Sheraton staff give a travel bag with a full of signature from staffs. This is not Gucci or Lowe but you will never get anywhere in the world that what George say to Datin,
Surprised still continue, photos presentation of General Manager activities 25 years with Sheraton Utama accompany with a singing together of " Kenangan Terindah " song title by Simson lead by my self. Ceremony than continue with afternoon tea and some of staff have a photos with our GM, Datin Zainah Bujang.
The following some scenarios behind the screen
I start to write a concept of this 30 minutes dramatic scenario. Completely surprised, the following were the steps of action been taken :
6 June i wrote an e-mail to George and Nanetta about my ideas, here's the note:
Dear George, here's plan,
Title : Surprised Farewell for GM
Date : Nanetta will decide when looking at before new GM arrive, requirements Datin must be available at 3.30 PM ( in this time will possible to have more associates attend and participate )
Venue : preferable at Signature if in Mutiara, movement of preparation will be visible
Method : Surprised / No invitation / Confidential
Food : FB recommendation
Agenda : On day of farewell only at 3 PM call each associates to attend the farewell party
By 3.30 Pm assuming will be each of representative from each department
Nanetta will pick up GM and bring to the venue decide ( any reason you can use in order to convince GM to come to the venue, please make sure GM is not aware on this )
When GM arrive at the venue everybody sing " YESTERDAY" Beatles ( musician to be brief earlier )
Escort GM to sit down at the special chair ( that will be one dedicate chair prepared decorate very nice one )
One more song to sing - title to be advise
Last speech by GM
Gift presentation to GM if any will be represent by EXCOM / DEPT head
Group photos - EXCOM, ALL DEPT, Each Depart if you wish
Please keep this information for yourself only until nanetta advise the date than we will inform EXCOM
To support an ideas a small meeting been held at Poolside, attended on the meeting were : Sumantri, George,Guan,Robert and Nova. Information remain confidential, i briefed the overall plan, Nova will be responsible on FOOD & Beverage, for George & Guan will be critical both has responsible to invite Datin to come to MUTIARA without knowing on farewell ceremony. The scenario been set up as follows, George will make an appointment for handover at 3 PM than when they have an discussion Guan will call both of them that there are pipe leaking at Mutiara heavily.
Here an u date e-mail this time i creased the number of people who i think they should know and agreed with supported.
Dear ALL,
After further discussion with Guan and Sumantri, Please note some changes....
Please start to gather all associates and go to Mutiara from 2.45pm.
Sumantri will cordinate with Guan once we all ready and contact George to escort Datin to Mutiara at about 3.00pm follow by the program as per email below.
Also, we will invite the rest of associates who wish to say something to Datin too.
Doris Newn Finance Manager - Sheraton Utama Hotel
P O Box 2203 I Jalan Tasek I Bandar Seri Begawan BS8211 I Negara Brunei Darussalam I Postcode BS8674
telephone 673 2244272 facsimile 673 2221579
Sheraton Belong
From: Endang, SumantriSent: Thu 07/06/2007 05:33To: Van Oosten, George; Newn, Doris; Jordana, Nanetta; Susila, Bayu; Hamidon, Wena; Hamidon, Wena; Ho, Guan Hui; Hombria, Robert; Yeong, Ken; Yeong, Ken; Akbar, Nova; Susila, Bayu; Rabaha, JalihaSubject: FW: Farewell for Datin
Dear All
Please keep this information for your self only.
Date : 8 June 2007
Venue : Mutiara 2
Time : 3.30
Plan and program :
By 3 PM Nanetta to call all of Department heads and all associates to come to Mutiara 2 for the emergency meeting.More associates attend will be greated.
By 3.30 Pm George will escort datin to come to Mutiara ( is up to you George, how you going to handle it, but defenetly do not mention about farewell - Please note GM did not know about this program )
Assuming GM will be at Mutiara at 3.35 PM, George will eascort her to sit down on the chair. Robert will provide the Chair only for her. That will be THANK YOU banner also attached on the wall courtesy by Wayan.
Note ; the moment when GM enter the Mutiara all / everybody clap the hands!!
As soon as GM sit down I'll lead the singing performance title will be " YESTERDAY" by beatles all welcome to sing together specially this part " Why She had to go .....". We will distribute the liric.
Once the singing perfromance completed we will ask GM to speech. Speech Followed by reprentative from EXCOM ( DORIS is preferable ) and one from ordinary associates.
If any gift for her that will in this part, if not perhaps will be during formal farewell on 26 June
Than Group Photos - 1. With EXCOM 2. with All / participants 3. With each Department
Than Photos presentation while makan. PHOTO Presentation acoompany by song title I'll stand by you by carrie underwood the photos all about GM activities. Menu Makan courtesy by NOVA, photografer courtesy by Weena.
Thank you all
Here's an agenda