Indonesia National writing competition for orphaned
By Sumantri
Inspired by Pak Agus D Djamil the author of Al Quran & Lautan book and the owner of lautan-quran@yahoogroups.com with over 200 member around the globe. The initiative started by writing any idea in my mind regarding orphaned, Quran and Ocean, and contacting few people who can help this project thus support from all the member of lautan-quran@yahoogroups.com.
The committee also need to set up, I am in charge as Chairman with others 5 judges base in Brunei Darusalam with help from Pak Nana as a treasure and coordinator representative Indonesia for this project.
Apart from the committee the biggest challenge of this project is to get a participant across Indonesia the 2 best coordinators help us to succeed this project, namely Hjh Iyoh Hj bin Hj Adas from Sawangan-Indonesia and Ms. Ade from kendari - Indonesia. Hjh Iyoh is my umi or mom i am very proud of her, being her son i keep continue to salute her for being active and productive in caring to community, with my umi there are so much thing can be possible, with her impossible is nothing.
I may say this National writing competition is very high profile with high education selected jugdes lead by Pak Agus self this writing compertition is promising a high quality result. Here are the judges,Ustaz Abdurrahman Haqi and Mr Nabil Almunawar both a lecture at university of Brunei Darussalam, Efry is work with Indonesian Embassy of Brunei Darussalam and Salahuddin is also from University of Brunei Darusalam.
It started with one thousand Brunei dollar committee continue to raise a fund for this project from Halal resources specially member and non member, nearly reach 12 million rupaih within 3 months. Criteria of participating on this project alse been set up according to individual capability.
It was wonderful experience to lead this project, to be a think thank, to care to orphan community, to contribute to society and further more to know you.
Being not present and not see each other is not a reason to be not united and not to know each other . Well congratulation to all of us for sucesusfully in managing " Lomba Menulis Lautan-Quaran 2005.
We thank you to all of you who been contribute, particpate, involve and be part of this project with you all this long distance project will never happend .
Speciall Thank you to the following people :
My umi, hjh iyoh, my brother Sukendar and Jamal, all the judges, Datin Hjh Zainah Bujang for giving me approval to use hotel address as a scretariate, Bapak Nana, salute and bravo to you for arranging the prize presentation ceremony, all member and non member who donate their money and others and of course The Almaighty Allah swt who contiously giving me a postive creative thingking.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To find out detail procedure of national writing competation of LautanQuran 2005 in bahasa, Please visit lautan-quran@yahoogroups.com.
You may use this as an idea in your respective area NO COPY RIGHT apply.
Syifa Aulia
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Mibtahul Falah
Kp Panggulan Rt 03 / 05 Desa Pengasingan Sawangan
Depok Jawa Barat Indoensia
Dengan total nilai : 41.84
Hadiah :
Rp. 4.000.000 ( Empat juta rupiah )lebih
Beasiswa 3 Tahun (Rp.3.600.000)
Seragam & Peralatan Sekolah (Rp.400.000)
Buku Al-Quran dan Lautan & Buku2 lainnya
Sertifikat Pemenang dan Publikasi
Yani Fitriani
SD Cibunar 02
Kp Cibunar Rt 01 / 02 Desa Gede Pangrango
Kadupampit Sukabumi Jawa barat Indonesia
Dengan total nilai : 40.53
Rp.2.800.000 ( Dua juta delapan ratus rupiah )
Beasiswa 2 Tahun (Rp.2.400.000)
Seragam & Peralatan Sekolah (Rp.400.000
Buku Al-Quran dan Lautan & Buku2 lainnya
Sertifikat Pemenang dan Publikasi
Sitti Hasrah.M
MIS Hasrati
Jl. Bunga Kemuning No.26 A watu-watu
Kendari - Indonesia
Dengan total nilai : 34.47
Rp.1.600.000 ( Satu juta enam ratus rupiah )
Beasiswa 1 Th (Rp.1.200.000)
Seragam & Peralatan Sekolah (Rp.400.000
Buku Al-Quran dan Lautan & Buku2 lainnya
Sertifikat Pemenang dan Publikasi
Berhadiah masing-masing Rp. 400.000 ( Empat ratus ribu rupiah )untuk Peralatan Sekolah, Buku-buku dan sertifikat pemenang.
1. Rahmat Kurniawan Nilai :32.72
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Khoirul Huda Kp Bedahan tengah Rt 02/04 Sawangan-Depok-Jawa Barat
2. Muhlis Mulyana Nilai :30.21
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Islam - Kp Segog Rt 02/03 Ds Cibening Kec: Pamijahan-Bogor-Jawa Barat
3. Durrotul Bahiya Nilai : 30.14
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Khoirul Huda Kp Bedahan Jl.Hj Saenam Rt 03/09 Sawangan-Depok-Jawa Barat
4. Asrorudin Nilai :29.82
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Falah-Kp Panggulan Rt 03/05 Desa Pengasingan-Sawangan-Depok-Jawa Barat
5. Bardin Nilai : 29.18
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hasrati
Jalan Bunga Kemuning N0 26 A
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