As a Champion of LRA Sheraton Utama Hotel standard
By Sumantri
LRA is a company who been appointed by Starwood Hotel & Resort worldwide to inspect and evaluate wheather each respective property comply with standard guideline.
Sheraton Brand and Standard has been set by Starwood & Resort Worldwide to ensure that each property deliver the same brand and the same standard. The content of brand standard are as follows ; Legal requiremnts, overview of change, standard key, brand product and programs, technology, asscociates apperarance & Service, Hotel Service, Public Areas, Guestroom, Food and Bevarage and sales and catering all 49 + 14 pages i carry daily.
My duty is to make sure that as much as possible that the brand & standard is complying at all area and section in the hotel. I enjoy doing this task, initiatives taken to up grade own knowlegde which I really believe is very important. The knowledge that I learnt defenlty will support my higherst position someday. For the past 3 years since 2002 I been involved on this task. I got systems that I always share with all Executive committee and the rest of the team.
1. To read and study brand and standard, to be understand the brand and standard in compulsory not because of reference only but is a must to implement.
2. To do pre-inspection, do as convenience time as possible for to inspect the hotel such as when you do Manager On Duty, having meal at your restaurant or you just purposely to check other alternative is by doing an inspection.
3. The No 2 is need o documented, create you list use smart plan or you may also use exacly the same like LRA list given on the previous year.
4. Publish your self evaluation brand & standard to your team, the list should be content of point deduction as well, so your team will fully understand.
5. Call for the meeting, seat down and ask the feed back which brand and standard will not be comply and what is the reason.
6. Transfer all non compliance brand & Standard to Non applicable brand standard and pass to your GM, your General Manager will always have a look which brand & standard number will send for appoval to Vice President with reasonable reason
7. Or you do online to ask approval of a non applicable brand standard.
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