The launching of Bakso Malang Kota Kota "Cak Eko" Depok Town Square.
by Sumantri
Depok, Indonesia, - 2nd December 2006. The franchise Bakso Malang Kota “ Cak Eko” to day expand the new outlet and introducing the 7th new branch.
The grand opening of the 7th Bakso Malang Kota ” Cak Eko “ is taken place on 2nd December 2006 at 4 pm in MALL DEPOK TOWN SQUARE - DETOS – FOOD COURT SF18 at Jalan Margonda Raya No. 1 – DEPOK, Indonesia . Short ceremony followed by recital “ doa selamat “ marked the opening of Bakso Malang Kota “Cak Eko” MALL DEPOK TOWN SQUARE – DETOS – FOOD COURT SF18, the 7th new branch. Attended on the opening ceremony the owner of Bakso Malang Kota “ Cak Eko “ Mall Depok Town Square - DETOS Mr. Sumantri Endang Hj Mohd Syarief and family, Mr. Jamaludin the outlet coordinator in change of Bakso Malang Kota “Cak Eko “ Mall Depok Town Square – DETOS,and Mr.Henky Eko Sriyanto The President Director Bakso Malang Kota “ Cak Eko “ and team as well as other invited guests.
To day at DEPOK town public will experience the authentic taste the flavor of local favorite from Java island ; Malang, Bandung and much more without going to Malang or Bandung, Think globally eat locally say Sumantri the owner’s on the opening remark. Bakso Malang Kota “ Cak Eko “ Mall Depok Town Square – DETOS – FOOD COURT SF18 is design to all ages and all social level from kids, student, employee, executive to grand ma and grand fa.
At BAKSO MALANG KOTA “CAK EKO” – MALL DEPOK TOWN SQUARE - DETOS – FOOD COURT SF 18 customer will chose the varied HALAL menu which include : Aneka bakso Malang : bako campur, bakso halus, bakso urat, gorengan panjang, gorengan bulat, tahu, mei kuning. Aneka Siomay Bandung : siomay, tahu, kentang, pare, kol. Aneka batagor Bandung, tahu. Aneka mie : mie ayam, mei ayam bakso, cwie mei Malang, mie goreng jawa, mie godhog. Nasi goreng jawa and nasi rawon.
BAKSO MALANG KOTA “CAK EKO “ MALL DEPOK TWON SQUARE -DETOS – FOOD COURT SF 18 also serve refreshing beverage which include : Aneka juice : juice alpukat, juice apel, juice mangga, juice jeruk, juice melon, juice pear. For those who wish to explore more on healthy drink you may order mix juice from any fruits available daily. For those who prefer the local drinks : es campur, es dawet es jagung manis kacang hijau are the choices. Soft drink and hot drink also available from local to international brand. BAKSO MALANG KOTA “ CAK EKO” - MALL DEPOK TOWN SQUARE –DETOS - FOOD COURT SF18 is open from lunch time to 9.00 pm daily 7 days a week.
BAKSO MALANG KOTA “ CAK EKO” - MALL DEPOK TOWN SQUARE –DETOS - FOOD COURT SF18 is independently owned by Sumantri & Amirah and operated under Bakso Malang Kota " Cak Eko " as its franchise. For more information please e-mail : sumantriendang@yahoo.com or log on to:http://desumantri.blogspot.com/
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