About Sumantri is about modern and ancient life style. Is about YESTERDAY, TO DAY and TOMORROW. Is about creating HISTORY is about FACT and ACTUAL about FUTURE and BEYOND. Talk about Sumantri talk about lifeskill, lifestyle, art of life, way of life and real life. Want your restaurant, café, hotel, resort, food or yourself appear in this blog !!!! in box or drop me an email
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sumantri - Culinary Experience - Crispy Duck
Sumantri - Culinary Experience - Yam Basket
Sumantri - Award & Reward - Irish flower painting
Sumantr - Event Orginizer- Creating Belong to in house guest

Mr. Khalid Affandy
Marked one year
Stay with Sheraton Utama Hotel
17 July 2007
4.45 PM – Arrival of staff of Sheraton Utama Hotel
5.00 PM – Arrival of Mr. Khalid Effendy & Mr. Sumito ( every body shake the hand )
5.15 PM – Welcome and Thank You speech by General Manager. Mr. Alex Riva
5.20 PM –1st Song “ THANK YOU - DIDO“ Featuring Faizal, Sumantri and rap by Mahadi
Every one is welcome to sing chorus only
Chorus : I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life
2nd Song title “ Kemesraan – Iwan Fals “Featuring Sumantri, Faizal and all
5.30 PM – Mr. Khalid Effendy speech follow by cake cutting
Group Photo
Suatu hari Dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai Em A D Dan memandang ombak dilautan yang kian menepi D G Burung camar terbang bermain diderunya air Em A D Suara alam ini hangatkan jiwa kita D G Sementara sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam Em A D Suara gitarmu mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta D G Ada hati membara erat bersatu Em A D Getar seluruh jiwa tercurah saat itu Reff: G A D Kemesraan ini... janganlah cepat berlalu G A D Kemesraan ini... inginku kenang selalu G A D Hatiku damai... jiwaku tentram disamping mu G A D Hatiku damai... jiwa ku tentram bersamamu
Sumantri - Culinary Experience - OTAK-OTAK
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sumantri - Ideation - Executive Destressed

Sumantri - Snap Shot Collection - Bird and Bufallo
Sumantri - Culinary Experience - Visit own " Bakso Malang " at Detos
Bakso Malang, mie ayam, nasi goreng,bakso campur so much more promised a superb Delicious taste of Indonesian food. This Bakso Malang Kota Cak Eko located at Depok Town Square also known as DETOS at 2nd floor SF18. Both of us have an opportunity not only to taset but also our brother Jamaludin who run the operation and our sister Rosmiyati who help Jamal. It was open last December 2006 this warung remain consistent and promised to be break even or return of investment next year. Thank you to Jamal who look after our business.